Petoskey Rotary Noon Club NEWSLETTER

December 7, 2016

              Pearl Harbor Day              


Four Way Test:  Thank you Joe Blachy

Invocation:  Thank you Jeff Wynder for the invocation

President Kent Cartwright led us in the Pledge of Allegiance

Visiting Rotarians:  John Van Etten, Terre Haute, IN; Walt Byer, Saline, MI

Other Visitors:  Betsy Newton, Ron Meyer, Kassia Perpich., Nikki Laduer, Gretchen Carol and Bob Denten 

Song of the Week:  Steve Cross and Howard Richards were absent (again) so no singing and boy do we miss the singing duo when they aren’t around

Calendar Winners:  To see the weekly calendar winners click the following: Link


Toys for Tots:  Dave Thomas let us know that Toys for Tots has one week left so bring your toys or $ by next week

Salvation Army Bell Ringing:  Jeff Wynder let us know that bell ringing will be on Friday December 16th and we will be doing sign ups next week. This is a great time and we need all of our members to sign up

Calendar Sales:  Jeff Bodette let us know we are about ½ way with calendars. So keep selling so we can fund all of the great things we do

Messiah Show By Great Lakes Chamber Orchestra:  Anne McDevitt let us know that “The Messiah” will be Thursday and Friday. It will also be shown at St Francis Xavier Catholic Church in Petoskey on Thursday, December 16 and Friday, December 17, at 7:30 p.m.

Little Traverse Civic Theater:  Is presenting “It’s a Wonderful Life” Dec. 8-11 and Dec. 15th -17th. Show times are 8 p.m. except for the matinee showing at 2 p.m. on Sunday, Dec. 11th

Northmen Night:  John Scholten has raffle tickets for Northmen Night, 3 Person watercraft and trailer. Get yours soon

Paul Harris Foundation Pool:  Chris Etienne let us know that a new Paul Harris pool will start in January

Wreaths Across America:  Bob Waldvogel let us know that Wreaths Across America will be the 17th at Greenwood Cemetary. Breakfast at Fillmore’s at 9:30 a.m. and the program starts at 11:50 a.m.

Madrigal Performance:  Madrigals will be here next week


We had a Club Assembly with most of our committees giving reports on the past year and what they were planning going forward

We also voted on the following positions and Bylaws Changes for PRCCI: 

The slate of nominees is as follows: Board Members first, followed by the President Nominee:

  1. Director of International Service - Reg Smith (replacing Paul Schemanski)

  2. Director of Community Service - Jeff Wynder (replacing Angie Cranney)

  3. Director of Youth Service - Ashley Whitney (replacing Steve Cross)

  4. Member At-Large - Verne Osterlund (replacing Roger Winslow)

  5. President Nominee Designate - Liz Aherns

All were voted in

Robert Rogier and Dianne Litzenburger were nominated to serve on the PRCCI Board

All were voted in

Also we voted on a Bylaws change to change the term for PRCCI Board members from 2 years to 3 years and this passed

Next Week's Program:  Madrigal Singers