Petoskey Rotary Noon Club NEWSLETTER 

May 3, 2017


We were in the Reycraft room while remodeling was being done in the Rose Room. It was a tight fit but it the Perry Staff made it work out

President Kent was away on School business so Steve Brummeler filled in. He led us in the Pledge of Allegiance

Four Way Test:  Tim Dykstra

Invocation:  Thank you Stuart Fenton

Visiting Rotarians:  Robin Hungerford

Other Visitors:  Jorie Snedden, Lilla Jean Greer, Amy Stickovich

Life Events:  Fellow Rotarian Nikki Ladeur had a baby girl, Isabelle Hope, on April 28th. Mother and baby are doing well

Song of the Week:  Steve Cross and Howard Richards were both absent today so better judgment prevailed and we did not sing, especially in the small room


NLEA Luncheon:  John Scholten passed around a sign up sheet for the NLEA luncheon on May 19th. It will be at the new stadium and Andy Hayes has a great program in store. Let John know if you would like to attend. It would be great if we had a good number show up. He also let us know of all the great comments he received at the renewing of the Kiwanis Relays. The 10 team meet was a success and the participants and spectators were very impressed with the facility

Roadside Cleanup:  Paul Schemanski let us know about Road Cleanup scheduled for this Saturday the 6th, starting at 8:30 at the Walloon Lake Marina maintenance building. We need at least 8 members to help out. This is a fun event and a worth while project

Billy/Duff Cabin Outing:  Jim Beno let us know of the next Billy/Duff event scheduled for June 1st. Sign up sheets will be going around the next few weeks and I am sure you will be able to sign up on line

Officer's Exchange:  Officers Exchange will be June 28th at the Perry. Sign up will be available soon for that as well


Liz Ahrens introduced David Crouse who gave us a quick “snap shot” of the Ansel Adams display and program coming to Crooked Tree this summer. This is going to be a great program that we all should make time to see and participate in. Liz and her program director, Megan DeWindt, gave us a quick over view of the 72 other programs going on at Crooked Tree this summer. What an awesome facility we are privileged to have in Petoskey

Next Week’s Program:  Jean Frentz and Tim Dykstra will be speaking about the STRIVE Program