Rotary Informer
Posted by Terry Newton on Apr 12, 2017
Petoskey Rotary Noon Club NEWSLETTER
April 12, 2017
Howard Richards led us in America the Beautiful
Four Way Test: Thank you Jay Neff and welcome back
Invocation: Thank you Anne McDevitt
“Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like Art… It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things which give Value to survival.”
C.S. Lewis, The Four Loves
Visiting Rotarians: Gary Voison from Cheboygan
Other Visitors: Judy Brummeler, T. Jones, John Van Etten's son John, from Germany
Song of the Week: Howard Richards and Steve Cross led us in Simon & Garfunkel's "Cecilia" and "Smile"
I think the President has scared everyone about doing announcements so all we had was his re-cap from the board meeting held on April 11th
Diamond’s & Denim is looking for more committee members
District Conference is May 4th – 6th at Crystal Mountain and we are looking for more voting delegates, Dave needs all the votes he can get for his Governorship run
Liz is putting together a basket that will be raffled off for the foundation
We are looking for 2 more people to get certified for Grant writing. If you are interested, talk to Kent
PRCCI grant apps are available and need to be turned in by the 14th of April
April 26th our meeting will be at Manna
Bill introduced Casie Parker, the DECA teacher from the High School. She introduced Anna Sumpter who will be the DECA State President for the 17/18 year, who gave us an overview of the program and then introduced 2 groups that gave us the presentations that they gave which qualified them for Nationals:
Group 1: Alley Hass
Alley Van Antwerp
Hadley Hass
Group 2: Lauren Gasko
Cedra Beer
President Kent presented the group with a $6000 check to help them offset the cost of attending both the State and National competitions. This was money that came from Diamond’s and Denim 2016
Pictured from left to right:
Casie Parker, Lauren Gaskill, Bill Collins, Anna Sumpter, Kent Cartwright, Allise Haas, Seger Beer, Hadley Haas and Alison Antwerp
Casie Parker, Lauren Gaskill, Bill Collins, Anna Sumpter, Kent Cartwright, Allise Haas, Seger Beer, Hadley Haas and Alison Antwerp
Photo courtesy of Jillian Fellows from the Petoskey News Review