Northern Lakes Economic Alliance Luncheon:John Scholten passed around a sign up sheet for the Northern Lakes Economic Alliance luncheon on May 19th. It will be at the new stadium and Andy Hayes has a great program in store. Let John know if you would like to attend. It would be great if we had a good number show up
Billy/Duff Cabin Outing:Jim Beno let us know of the next Billy/Duff event scheduled for June 1st. Sign up sheets will be going around the next few weeks. Please see the attached file
Officers Exchange:Also Officers Exchange will be June 29th at the Perry. Sign up will be available soon for that as well
Marathon Aid Station:Jeff Wynder is looking for help on the 27th at the aid station for the Marathon. Contact Jeff if you are interested and can help
Connecting Women in Business:Ashley Whitney let us know that we are sponsoring the next Connecting Women in Business. Chris Etienne will be the program; check out the link here. If we have anyone who would like to work a booth and talk about Rotary contact Ashley
Bay View Schedule:Anne McDevitt put Bay View schedules on the tables
Scholarship Presentation:John Scholten is looking for a Service Above Self & Scholarship presenter for Alanson Schools. It is on the 25th at 7 p.m. Contact John if you can do this
Veteran’s Benefits Presentation:Dave Thomas let us know about a Veterans Benefits Presentation on May 17th at 6:30 p.m. at the Petoskey Masonic Lodge. This program is designed for veterans and families to find out what benefits they may be entitled to. If you have questions call Jim Alton’s office at 231-348-1780
Board Meeting Synopsis:Kent let us know that the Board approved over $8,000 in scholarships for this year. We will also be sponsoring a hole at the Education Foundation Golf Outing again this year. We are also looking for a group to help move our records and other supplies to our new storage in Alanson. Let Kent know if you can do that
Dave Presented the Rotary Distinguished Service Citation to Tim Dykstra, Jean Frentz and BJ Shawn for their dedicated service to the STRIVE program
Jean Frentz gave us a recap of the STRIVE awards banquet, this is sponsored by Stafford’s, from last night and then introduced the scholarship winners:
John Crittenden 1 year full scholarship to North Central Michigan College valued at $3,500. (Mom said he was going there)
Isabel Ruemenapp received $1,000 to be used for her tuition for next year. She will be attending Western Michigan University
Emmaly Bears $1,000 to be used for her tuition for next year. She will be attending North Central Michigan College
Christian Smith again called up the big 3 from STRIVE to pass the torch so to speak, to the new team, ChristianSmith, Kassia Perpich and Georgia Abbott. They gave us an over view of the STRIVE program and how they are looking forward to keeping its success going into the future
Next Week’s Program:Teacher of the Year – John Hurd
Bylaws Change: This is the first of a two week notification that the club will be voting on a bylaws change as follows: “The Rotary Park Fund committee and the board of directors shall maintain a record of historic value of the account including additional donations to the account. This is to determine the historic fund balance of the account as of December 31st of each year.” The date has been changed from June 30th to December 31st to more accurately be near the date of the actual grant application so as to be reflective of market conditions at that time