Petoskey Rotary Noon Club NEWSLETTER – September 16, 2015
Four Way Test:  Thank you “Duff” Stafford Smith
Invocation:  Thank you BJ Shawn (another of our poet laureates for the following):
Our Club… (Table Hopping Part 2) I wrote an essay about our club…
How leary I was to approach each stranger. Unfamiliar faces and a sea of new tables…Over time I conquered my fear and became more able. Oh, I know that we Rotarians accomplish amazing goals. Our reach is global, helping when life has taken its toll. But sometimes I just can’t help but think about you…Because what I said before, still holds true. From safer water to stoves that don’t do harm, we have supplied wheel chairs to those who have only use of their arms. But all the while, through our Club’s ups and its downs, we continue to be blessed with new members from all about town. Raising funds to improve our public school fields, we work as a team to increase the yield. And all the while, as I hop from table to table I continue to find, new friends at each that are giving and kind. I have met a worldly nurse and the most organized Assistant Superintendent, I’ve dined with an engineer and college president. I’ve been warmly greeted by an insurance agent and 2 Bay View Directors, and look forward to breaking bread with all the new and future members. So whether you know us or not…try sitting at a new place, I can testify that it’s really fun to talk to a new face. We welcome you all and want you to know, we look forward to meeting…so we can continue to grow!
Life Events:  There were no events mentioned today. Keep John and Peg Emley in your prayers as they continue to nurture their daughter back to health and take care of her three boys in the process
Song of the Week:  “Lean on Me” We hit our “vocal sweet spot” with this one today. The Club sounded great!
Visiting Rotarians:  Moose Dunne – Clearwater Beach, FL   
MEETING LOCATION CHANGE:  September 23rd we will be meeting back at The Perry  
New Member Induction:  The Club had the pleasure to induct four members today.  Please make sure that you get to know them in the very near future. Please welcome:
Moon Seagren, Vice-President of Marketing and Development, McLaren Northern Michigan
Kirk Luffkin, MD, Chief Medical Officer, McLaren Northern Michigan
Guy Golembiewski, MD, Chief Information Officer, McLaren Northern Michigan
Stuart Fenton, Chief Assistant prosecuting Attorney, Emmett County
Road Side Clean-Up:  Paul Schemanski asked that we save the date of September 26th 8:30 a.m. at the Old Town and Country Building. Sign up online through the link that Terry sent out through ClubRunner. We had 7 signed up and need some more
New Program Chair:  Christian Smith has graciously accepted the position of Program Director. He will be meeting with those persons who have proposed programs to “firm” them up 
Grant Opportunity:  Petoskey Rotary Club Charities, Inc. has funds to distribute despite what has been going on in the stock market. Applications are being accepted for the $6,000 in the pot. Grants have a maximum of $1,000 and you must have 501c (3) status to apply.  Please see Steve Brown for more information
Annual YMCA Fundraiser:  Save the Date October 2, 2015. Christian Smith will have more information next week
Rabbi Aaron Rozovsky was our guest speaker today. He has a very impressive resume as an officer in the National Guard and has been deployed in operations including a tour in Afghanistan. He spoke of the challenges of members of the Jewish faith in non-urban areas like Petoskey. The Jewish faith requires commitment and is extremely communal. We learned for example that 10 persons are needed to read the Torah. This is a challenge for smaller communities but the Internet has assisted in bringing the faithful closer together through access to libraries and holding instruction on Skype. We also learned more regarding the Synagogue in Petoskey. Many well-known scholars were rabbinical students at this location. Next year the Synagogue will celebrate its 120th year. Now that is something Petoskey can be proud of
Thank you Bill Collins for arranging Rabbi Rozosky’s visit
Next Week’s Program:  Peter Pallas will be discussing the National Guard and employer’s support of the guard employment through deployment 
Remember! The Perry Hotel Next Week!